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Sirius Academy - Completion of Works!

Welcome to the second and final newsletter for Sirius Academy Modular Relocation!

With the successful handback of the Hull Trinity House site early March, it meant that the focus was over to Sirius, for Site Manager Gary & the team to complete.

The scheme involves the relocation of the two-storey modular classroom setup from Trinity House Academy over to Sirius West Academy. This isn’t just about moving spaces from one side of Hull to another, it’s about providing a new working environment for the Trust’s staff to enjoy for years to come. Using modern methods of construction we aim to provide a new space that the end user is satisfied with upon completion.

Progress so far

Gary & the team down at Sirius have been busy with the following:

  • Internal cabin fit out (including re-modelling)
  • Formation of external ramp
  • Installation of paving / steps / handrails & gates
  • Litter pick & site de-cant
  • Installation of hedgehog houses

With the use of the space changing from the previous Hull Trinity House Academy site, it meant that there was an aspect of internal remodelling to ensure that the space could be utilised as effectively as possibly by Trust staff over at Sirius.

Whilst on site, Gary noticed a build up of litter around the site boundary. In true Sewell fashion, Gary rolled his sleeves up and got to work with the litter picking, and what a difference it’s made!

All works on site have now been handed over to a delighted client and end user. A great scheme to be involved in working with our client, Esteem, and one that certainly will make a difference for the team at Sirius West Academy for years to come!

Many thanks to all involved.

See out image gallery below – click on the image to see the full photo.