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Progress so far

We are continuing our efforts at Spen Farm with phase 2 now fully underway. This has been after a short break and the successful completion of phase 1.

During phase 2, the Farm Research Centre will see the main electrical circuitry system testing and commissioning on its agricultural feeding systems. A collaboration drawing upon skills provided by companies from across Europe. We will also be managing works for the University of Leeds which will include; the completion of bund wall painting, bollard protection, storage tank insulation, ramp areas and site signage.

The final stages of work will allow the introduction of Pig Livestock onto the Farm followed by systems optimisation, a proud moment for our Client.

…and with livestock arriving on site, your pig jokes are always welcome!

Over the next two weeks

Over the coming weeks we will be connecting Pig behavioural CCTV cameras and installing a new COMM’s room.