Building 7: All recently discovered Asbestos has now been removed from the building. The much needed permanent strapping works that were required due to damage caused in the demolition phase, prior to our arrival on site, is now in place, allowing the temporary strapping to be removed and the brickwork repaired around. Bullen Restoration continue with the rest of the structural repairs and repointing along each other elevation. The existing roof is now fully stripped off allowing full access to the main roof timbers, whilst at the same time, allowing our joiners to commence with the timber replacement and structural roof repairs, before commencing with the new roof build up and new coverings.
Building 9: Masonry repairs are nearing completion. The roof works are progressing at pace and ahead of programme. Gowercroft Joinery are due on site this this week to commence with the installation of the first and second floor windows. I.H. Equipment are busy removing the flooring at each level, which will provide the space for the new steel staircases when finished.
Building 10: We are currently carrying out the wet blasting to remove the high levels of lead within the painted walls on the first, second and third levels, this is a messy process and will continue for some weeks to come. As with Building 7 & 9 the external scaffold is now fully erected, allowing the external works to commence. Internally, where possible, around the wet blasting works our joiner is starting to replace the damaged flooring.
Building 11: Following great efforts from I.H. Equipment, the strip out is now complete, along with the removal of the lower section of building 11 roof. The section demolition is progressing well and will be completed by the end of January. The external scaffold is nearing completion, making way for the high level roof works to start.