Commencement of work
During February we have all seen some extreme weather across the region, I’m sure this has been shared with many of the construction sites across our group with temperatures on our site recorded as low as -7.5’C. I’m pleased to say that we have endured the rain and snow and have completed the erection of the steel frame structure on time.
If you happen to drive past you can now get a feel for the size and shape of the new building and you will also see the new signage to our roadside hoarding.
The West Hull Health Hub team is continuing to share all of its latest news across a broader platform on social media. We would love for you to visit them and follow us via the links below:
Our Sewell Construction Website:
WHHH Twitter news can be found here:
Plus the Facebook page can be followed via this link –
In the spirit of constructing a local community health Hub; we want to reach out to our local communities. Social value starts from the heart by us giving and sharing. Our local economies and communities are special and can benefit hugely from small acts of kindness and at Sewell we wear our hearts on our sleeves. There is so much positivity that can be created by engaging with the people around us and we need to know if you need our support.
Please join our construction journey and drop the WHHH team a comment on Twitter, Facebook or alternatively email our project manager David Major at